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News and updates
Tribute to Revd Bob Thorn
First published 10th April 2014Bishop Mike has paid tribute to Revd Bob Thorn who died in a rowing accident in Dorset earlier this week.

Diocese represented at Consecration in Kigezi
First published 8th April 2014Rev Shirley Danby (North Wiltshire Deanery chair) visited Kigezi Diocese in January 2014, where she represented Bishop Mike Hill and the Diocese of Bristol at the consecration and enthronement of Rev Canon George Bagamuhunda as 5th Bishop of Kigezi.

One Born Every Minute
First published 4th April 2014Last month Sheona Beaumont and husband Revd Adam Beaumont, Assistant Curate ofHoly Trinity, Westbury-on-Trym, appeared on the popular Channel 4 show,One Born Every Minute, sharing with the nation the arrival of their second child into the world.We ca

Bishop's Letter: Stepping out
First published 2nd April 2014This month Bishop Lee shares more of his journey and invites us to step out in faith.

Resources for people in ministry from Sheldon
First published 31st March 2014The Society of Martha and Mary, Sheldon Post-Easter breaks.

Schools encouraged to Open the Book
First published 31st March 2014Bishop Mike and senior church leaders from across Bristol are encouraging congregations to form new links with their local schools through the Open the Book Bible stories programme

Rt Hon Tony Benn, 1925-2014
First published 19th March 2014Revd David Lloyd, Vicar of Henbury, pays tribute to Tony Benn who represented people of Bristol (Bristol South East 1950-60, 63-83) in Parliament for 30 years and was a prophetic voice on matters of justice and reform.

Church of Uganda and the Church of England
First published 6th March 2014Following the publication of an article in the Daily Monitor on the 3rd March, 2014 suggesting that the Church of Uganda was breaking away from the Church of England Archbishop Stanley Ntagali has reassured Bishop Mike Hill that the rumours are entirely unfounded.

News from Northern Uganda
First published 14th February 2014The Diocese of Northern Uganda has published an excellent newsletter full of information about their work and partnerships.

Schools in your parish
First published 11th February 2014In 2013, Archbishop Justin Welby stressed the centrality of schools to the Church's mission to the nation.

Pastoral care in Bristol's courts
First published 11th February 2014Bristol's Judges and Civil Courts have asked the faith communities to provide pastoral care to people in need in their courts.

Lives change through exploring faith
First published 10th February 2014Millions of lives have been changed when they have participated in courses like Alpha that enable people to explore the Christian faith.

Bishop's Letter; Turning the Battleground back to a Playground
First published 7th February 2014This month Bishop Lee focuses on education and Church of England schools: the opposition, the aspiration and the facts.

Sixth year for Malmesbury Abbey Skate
First published 6th February 2014Malmesbury Abbey Skate returns for a sixth year later this month (17, 19-21 Feb), with an expanded festival for young people of all ages.

Canon Richard (Dick) Bennell 1925 - 2013
First published 30th January 2014I was overjoyed when some of the friends arrived and testified to your faithfulness to the truth, namely how you walk in the truth.

Giving me hope
First published 29th January 2014The beauty, seriousness and fellowship of church was melting my heart, giving me hope, and feeding me spiritual sustenance.Mine is a journey back to Christianity from nowhere.I was a regular churchgoing Anglican until about 14, when my mother allowed

Reaching a significant point
First published 10th January 2014After a last dose of chemotherapy on Louise's birthday (11 December) I technically completed my fourth and final Course on Christmas Day.

Shirley Danby attends Consecration in Kabale
First published 8th January 2014Rev Shirley Danby, chair of the North Wiltshire Uganda link committee, will be traveling out to Kabale on the 15th January 2014 to represent Bishop Mike Hill and Bristol Diocese at the consecration of Rev George Bagamuhunda the new bishop of Kigezi.

Confidence in God's story
First published 8th January 2014God is always Good News. When we are good news, God's people see growing churches.

"I bring you Good News"
First published 6th January 2014The Diocese of Bristol was at the heart of a major national campaign during Advent to promote the true meaning of Christmas and the transformative power of the Good News at the heart of the Christian story.

Everyone a witness
First published 6th January 2014As we begin a year committed to proclaiming the Good News, Bishop Mike explores what it means to live out our common calling as witnesses to the life of Christ and what might be stopping us.

Dean's Letter: Politics and Peace
First published 1st January 2014The Very Revd Dr David Hoyle, Dean of Bristol Cathedral, writes to the diocese at the beginning of the new year.2014 is the Chinese Year of the Horse. It is the European Year of the Brain, the UN Year of both family farming and crystallography. Latvi

No longer journeying alone
First published 20th December 2013It's scary to travel a long way from home to a strange, unfamiliar place; but God does not want His people to journey alone.To travel is a part of life, more so than ever in the modern world. Whether, like me, you are a student going to university in

My life changed at a carol service
First published 18th December 2013I was burdened with misconceptions. Without Carols in the Park, or a service like it, I'm not sure I would ever have felt able to walk into a church.A year ago, at an open air carol service, my life changed.I had been brought up in a Christian househ

Archdeacon visits new debt centre
First published 16th December 2013Archdeacon Christine Froude has visited a newly opened debt centre in Sea Mills, Bristol as part of the Christmas Starts with Christ campaign.

Bishop Mike's Diocesan Synod address
First published 9th December 2013In his address to Diocesan Synod on 7th December, Bishop Mike urged support for Foodbanks and spoke on measures to improve the operation of the Welfare System.

Swindon churches raise £10,000 for Christian Aid
First published 6th December 2013Inspired by the 2012 Paralympics, Swindon Old Town's Partnership of Churches more than doubled their fundraising target for a Christian Aid project to help people living with disability in Lebanon and the West Bank.

Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013
First published 6th December 2013The world mourns the loss of Nelson Mandela and remembers and celebrates all that he stood for: freedom, reconciliation and hope.

The greatest gift of all
First published 3rd December 2013Our story begins in Galilee just over 2000 years ago. With two lovely people called Mary and Jo...This re-writing of the Christmas story is great for reading out at a Crib or family service.

Church addresses food poverty and debt
First published 2nd December 2013Food poverty and debt are at the heart of the Diocesan Synod's discussions on 7 December as we highlight these issues as part of the Christmas starts with Christ campaign.

Bishop's Letter; Earthing Christmas
First published 29th November 2013As we approach the festivities of Christmas, Bishop Lee reflects on holding together hope and warning in the coming of the Christ child.

Schools fight food poverty - case study
First published 29th November 2013The Loaves and Fishes project, run by The Sisters of the Church, is a well known food bank in inner-city Bristol.

Christmas Starts with Christ
First published 27th November 2013The Diocese of Bristol is at the heart of a major campaign to remind people that Christmas starts with Christ this Advent and the difference it makes to the world we live in.

Resources for Advent
First published 26th November 2013As the season of Advent begins and we look towards Christmas, lets not overlook the opportunity to reflect on the Advent season itself.

All-age Advent
First published 26th November 2013A four-part all-age service for Advent from Roots magazine called 'The beginning and the end'.

Sharing the Good News
First published 25th November 2013Seventeen people traveled to Northern Uganda in October 2013 to learn from our link partners and to review the way our link operates.

Synod "completely different"
First published 24th November 2013The General Synod of the Church of England took some significant steps forward in November in a set of sessions described as "completely different" by Bristol reps to the meetings of a year earlier.

Clergy urged to invest in disciples
First published 22nd November 2013140 clergy once again gathered in Bristol and Swindon for the second set of day conferences, learning from Bishop Chris Edmondson and Bishop Mike.

CofE's “crucial involvement†with schools
First published 21st November 2013The responsibility for school effectiveness is shifting to those who provide schools thats us, said the Bishop of Oxford, chair of the CofE's Board of Education, in the General Synod debate on church schools.

Synod approves next steps for Women Bishops
First published 20th November 2013The General Synod has approved a package of measures as the next steps to enable women to become bishops in the Church of England.

General Synod takes significant step towards welcoming women bishops
First published 20th November 2013General Synod says 'Yes' to new proposals to enable women bishops.

If it's Tuesday it must be Synod
First published 20th November 2013Chris Dobson reflects on some of the highlights of the second day of General Synod.

General Synod supports evangelism
First published 20th November 2013General Synod has approved a motion, moved by the Archbishop of York, to re-evangelise England, including the creation of a new Task Group.

First impressions from General Synod
First published 18th November 2013Chris Dobson reports on the first afternoon of General SynodGeneral Synod began in worship and prayer, which gave rise to the first 'priceless moment' when the Archdeacon of Lewisham reached the moment appointed for the bible readings.

Happy Who-mas?
First published 12th November 2013Three in five people polled say that Christmas is mainly for children. Its a sad fact therefore that 36% of children between ages 5 and 7 dont know whose birthday were celebrating on 25 December.

John Robinson Commemoration Day
First published 11th November 2013Around 70 people gathered at St Ambrose, Whitehall on 21 September for a Commemoration Day for Bishop John Robinson.

Grief & Loss: Post Script
First published 10th November 2013This article is an addendum to Bishop Lee's letter on grief and loss found here. In the EHS Daily Office there were a number of reflections that stood out and to which I found myself frequently returning.

Synod returns to Women Bishops
First published 8th November 2013General Synod meets later this month, returning not only to women bishops but also intentional evangelism, Church Schools and how the Synod is elected and conducts its business.

Bishop's Letter; Enlarge your soul through grief and loss
First published 7th November 2013This month Bishop Lee shares how some telling questions have been enlarging his horizons and his soul.

Learning to live with the questions
First published 7th November 2013There are questions, particularly about death, which we will never be able to answer in this life because we dont yet have the benefit of that heavenly perspective.The single date on the headstone is always a stark reminder to me of the day, seven ye

Bishop Lee talks about his fight against cancer
First published 4th November 2013Bishop Lee has appeared on ITV West talking on his experience fighting cancer.

Uganda in Verse
First published 2nd November 201317 people travelled to Uganda with a group from Bristol West Deanery in October 2013.

Messy Cathedral celebrated
First published 24th October 2013On Saturday 19 October, Bristol Cathedral buzzed with the controlled mayhem of an up-scaled Messy Church event.

Prince one of many baptisms
First published 22nd October 2013As the Archbishop of Canterbury prepares to christen HRH Prince George today, he will do so in the company of priests across our diocese who are welcoming individuals, families, children and adults into their parish churches this week.

Transforming minds with distinctive values
First published 22nd October 2013What does Christian education look like and how is it better?

Bishop's Letter; Are we good news?
First published 19th October 2013Bishop Mike encourages us to build our confidence in sharing our faith.The only purpose of the Church is to go out to tell the world the good news about Jesus Christ.

If you want to Go fast, Go alone. If you want to go far, Go together.
First published 18th October 2013I continue to be staggered and overwhelmed by the messages, cards and letters that are coming our way.

Local RE - John Wesley and Bristol
First published 16th October 2013Awareness, Mystery and Value: Key Stage 2 Unit 9 How should we live and how can John Wesley inspire us? This series of approximately 7 lessons is intended to provide a set of learning activities in RE for a Year 5/6 class. It was written by Rev Dr Jack.

Coming to terms with bereavement
First published 14th October 2013This intense feeling of peace came up over me. It was quite extraordinary. I then came to terms with my bereavement.I was widowed very suddenly. I never lost my faith I had been confirmed for 50 years but you feel that youre being tested. It took m

A difference to everyday life
First published 13th October 2013My faith in God makes a very real difference to everyday life. The Alpha Course set my entire life on a new course and I wake up each morning and thank God.

Clergy kids live life to the max
First published 13th October 201330 young people from clergy families in the dioceses of Bristol and Bath & Wells had a fantastic weekend in North Devon last month, part of the whole life support we offer to clergy families.

Back to Church School Sunday
First published 9th October 2013A group of parishes in North Wiltshire developed their links with local schools by having a schools celebration service on Back to Church Sunday.

Finding a way to worship
First published 7th October 2013Normally we pencil in Monday and Tuesday in the week after chemotherapy as fragile days and avoid any diary commitments.

Ugandan Dean visits City Deanery
First published 2nd October 2013The Very Reverend Kezlon Semanda, the Dean of St John's Cathedral, Kasaka, Central Buganda is in the Diocese of Bristol for the first week of October, 2013.

Starting a journey
First published 1st October 2013I started a journey, of understanding who Jesus is, and who I am. Knowing Jesus has truly transformed my life.

Of sleep and kind truth
First published 1st October 2013As I have mentioned elsewhere, chemotherapy has had a massive impact on my sleep patterns. Knowing this was on the cards Liz decamped to the spare room the evening I had my first dose.

A peace that passes understanding
First published 1st October 2013This is what has been missing from my life, this is the way that I want to live my life.

Joy replaces pain
First published 30th September 2013I began to become aware of a joy and peace within that I never imagined. To my relief, depression, nightmares and unexplained illnesses in my body gradually faded.

Update from Bishop Lee
First published 26th September 2013I confess I wasn't looking forward to my first doses of chemotherapy but the session went very well.

Diocesan Synod Report - Sept 2013
First published 23rd September 2013The Diocesan Synod met on 21 September 2013 at Stoke Gifford and was encouraged in evangelism by Bishop Mike and passed a motion for the whole diocese to Carbon Fast in Lent 2014.

Equip Christians to share their faith
First published 23rd September 2013Bishop Mike encouraged churches to build their confidence in evangelism at Diocesan Synod and announced an Alpha initiative for 2014 when Archbishop Justin Welby visits the Diocese.

Bristol youth workers share faith in Germany
First published 23rd September 2013Four youth workers from the Diocese of Bristol travelled to Northern Italy to broaden the link with the Lutheran Church in Bavaria over the August Bank Holiday Weekend.

Bishop Mike's Diocesan Synod address - Sept 2013
First published 21st September 2013In his address to Diocesan Synod on 7th December, Bishop Mike urged support for Foodbanks and spoke on measures to improve the operation of the Welfare System.Foodbanks are a symptom of a society that is far from well.Bishop MikeThe City Deanery moti

Bishop Lee blessed by the good doctors Mayo and Kermode
First published 20th September 2013Checkout today's BBC R5 Live Movie Review

First published 20th September 2013Are rebels good or bad? The answer to this question will depend on your point of view.

Response to the death of Daniel Pelka
First published 18th September 2013Jeanette Plumb, Diocesan Safeguarding Officer, writes: "Daniel is another child who will take his place in the text books on safeguarding alongside Victoria Climbie, Peter Connelly and others.

17th September: Update from Bishop Lee
First published 17th September 2013I am now 14 days into my first course of chemotherapy and it has been something of a roller-coaster.

Lift for Hope Challenge raises £1500
First published 13th September 2013Bristol Diocesan Strategy and Mission Officer and member of Emmanuel Church, Ashley Down, Janey Hiller, took part in a solo strength challenge in support of Rock of Ages a project in Uganda assisting orphans and widows in Kampala.

The pile driver
First published 10th September 2013Sitting on the balcony, most of the time I find it very easy to filter out the sounds of the motorway and the construction of the new housing.

Update from Bishop Lee
First published 6th September 2013I confess I wasnt looking forward to my first doses of chemotherapy but the session went very well.

Café culture; reaching out, inviting in
First published 5th September 2013Hospitality has always been at the heart of Christian community and is a mark of a healthy church.

Bishop Lee: Health, paradox and gift
First published 2nd September 2013On return from his holiday Bishop Lee received the news that he has Hodgkin Lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system.

Bishop Lee diagnosed with cancer
First published 2nd September 2013Rt Revd Dr Lee Rayfield, the Bishop of Swindon, has been diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system and will receive treatment in the months ahead.

Update from Bristol West Deanery Link
First published 27th August 2013Latest news from Janani Luwum CollegeEvery December we send a financial gift to Janani Luwum College, St. Philips Gulu and the Diocese of Northern Uganda and we are delighted to hear that it is being well spent.

New Bishop's Consecration announced
First published 27th August 2013The Diocese of Kigezi Electoral College and House of Bishops, through the normal and official procedure, have elected Rev. Canon George Bagamuhunda to be the next Bishop.

North Wiltshire Deanery visits the Kigezi Diocese Water Programme
First published 16th August 2013Kigezi Diocese Water and Sanitation Programme (KDWSP) is a Faith BasedMixing cement (mainly the women!).

Letter from Kigezi
First published 10th August 2013Following a recent trip to Uganda Shirley Danby received good news from Kigezi Diocese.

Michelle Martin Interview
First published 9th August 2013Bristol Ordinand, Michelle Martin, recently spent 5 weeks in Mbale Diocese in Uganda.She was privileged to be able to do one of her long church placements with the Archdeacon of Mbale Cathedral as part of her training.

Special Ugandan Service in Bitton
First published 8th August 2013Each month at St Marys Bitton we have a Fourth Sunday Special. In July we decided to have Morning Worship Uganda Style.

North Wilts team visit Kigezi Diocese
First published 6th August 2013What an amazing time we all had!

Thrive - 6 'free' Bible studies for teens
First published 6th August 2013Are you looking for a practical, fun and easy-to-use resource to learn about the Christian faith with your youth group? "Thrive" may be the answer: six sessions which explore key aspects of the Christian faith.

Learning together in Uganda
First published 30th July 2013A group of young people from Christ Church, Downend and Holy Trinity, Bradley Stoke are currently in Uganda on a visit to one of our link dioceses, Ankole.

Seven Days, Seven Ascents!
First published 30th July 2013Jeanette Plumb our diocesan Safeguarding officer writes:If anyone hasnt got sponsorship overload & would like to donate to one of the Uganda projects supported by the Diocese.

Community and church development in Uganda
First published 30th July 2013Later this year Andrew Doarks and a small team from Bristol South Deanery will be visiting Mbale and North Mbale.

Bishop's Letter; Who are we?
First published 24th July 2013Should the Church support liberal social and ethical reforms?

Best practice for developing young leaders
First published 17th July 2013A recent article in the Church Times highlighted some of the realities and challenges faced by church interns.

Bring faith to life in schools
First published 15th July 2013Its not always easy to know how to make the Christian faith known and real to children and young people in their school context.

A little story of growing numbers: building Messy Church
First published 9th July 2013Following our article of events and initiatives in the Diocese that promote welcome, hospitality, inclusivity or partnership, Alison Paginton tells us of a little story of growth from St Christophers Brislington.

The Filling Station - what's it about?
First published 8th July 2013As it gathers momentum, we speak to Revd Nick Crawley to find out more about this growing [largely rural] ministry and what's been driving it.

Schools central to Church's mission, says Archbishop
First published 5th July 2013Archbishop Justin Welby asserted the centrality of schools to the Church's mission to the nation as he hosted a seminar called Church of England: Education and our Future.