Could you help your family - and families across the world by making a will this November?
Will Aid is a scheme supported by hundreds of solicitors across the South West which allows members of the public to make a will in exchange for a donation to a fund which supports nine leading charities, including Christian Aid.
This autumn Christian Aid is urging everyone, in particular families with young children, to consider taking up the opportunity to make or update their will and not only safeguard their familys future but help support other families at the same time.
Christian Aids legacy officer for the South West, Alison Knight, said: Many of us shy away from making a will, but Will Aid, which runs throughout November, offers an opportunity to not only gain peace of mind but to positively contribute to the lives of others around the UK and the world.
There is fantastic support from solicitors across the region which makes the scheme accessible to everyone. Since it began 26 years ago Will Aid has raised millions of pounds with over 2m going to Christian Aid alone.
Taking care of our families and loved ones is a priority for us all, and many people also use the opportunity of making a will to reflect on leaving a legacy for others such as the work of the parish and charities such as Christian Aid.
Most Christians faithfully support the work of our churches and their chosen charities during their lifetime, regularly giving a proportion of our income. The Bible teaches that giving back to God like this should be a priority for all Christians, as we share in God's generosity to each one of us, by sharing generously with others.
But this isnt just about the weekly collection or our monthly standing order; its also about how we distribute our wealth and our possessions after we have gone. A legacy gift is so much more than just a sum of money. It represents the changes possible for future generations.
The nine participating Will Aid charities are Action Aid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, SCIAF, Sightsavers and Trocaire.
For more information about Will Aid, or to find a participating solicitor in your area, please go to www.willaid.org.uk or ring 0300 0300 013. The solicitors who give their time for free during Will Aid can become very busy, so it is advisable to contact your nearest Will Aid solicitor as early as possible to book an appointment.