Eco Church and Eco Champions

Eco Church 

Eco Church provides a framework to support your church and its leadership to take practical action on caring for God's earth. It includes a toolkit of resources, an online award survey, quarterly email update, online events, and conferences. We invite every church to register for A Rocha’s Eco Church scheme. You might want to think about registering your church and starting to take steps towards your Bronze, Silver or Gold award. You may well find that you only need to make minor changes to reach bronze level. This can help give you a boost as you work towards silver and gold accreditation. 

Register for Eco church 

Signing up and getting started - Case study 

Eco Champions 

Do you have a Parish Eco Champ? We are building a network of Parish Eco Champs who we can work with to support them to drive sustainable change in the parish. The Eco Champ might be working on Eco Church awards, they may be keen to look at creating a community garden in the church grounds, or perhaps they are working with the congregation to help them respond to the climate crisis. 

Eco Champs role 

  • Drive forward Eco Church and Net Zero initiatives 

  • Endeavour to help get the energy audit conducted 

  • To help implement environmental initiatives 

  • Stay up to date with the Environment Briefing from the Diocese of Bristol 

  • Ensure that creation care is a standing item on your church’s PCC/DCC agenda,   

  • Ensure that environmental information is shared with both the PCC and the wider church community (ie through the newsletter, website, social media, and/or in services) and encourage action, and   

  • Share good news stories and events from your church with the Diocesan Environment team to celebrate and share more widely.  

  • Be the main point of contact for your church regarding Diocese and National Church Net Zero initiatives 

We are excited to announce the launch of the Eco Champions Google Group! This platform will facilitate collaboration, resource sharing, and discussions among those passionate about the environment, Net Zero and caring for God's creation. You can join this group to connect with fellow Eco Champions, follow the link below or email –

Join our Eco Champs Google group

The role of Deanery Eco Champions involves:  

  • Notifying the Dicese's environmental team about opportunities to attend and speak at Deanery events.  

  • Sharing environmental news and updates with the Deanery, through Synods, newsletters and any other Deanery communication channels as appropriate.  

  • sharing and celebrating good news stories from local churches, within the Deanery, with local networks, and with the wider diocese.  

  • Being the named representative for environmental activity.  

  • Be the main point of contact for your Deanery regarding Diocese and National Church Net Zero initiatives 

Want to become an Eco Champion for your church, let us know: 

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