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Welcome to our Rhythm of Life Resources
'A rhythm of life is a framework of regular actions and practices we choose that help us grow as Christians. '
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If you want:
- a framework for life that keeps you on the right path
- to grow spiritually and avoid burn out
- to navigate life's challenges well
- to grow in confidence in your faith
- to know peace and contentment
Then a well-crafted rhythm of life that matches your life circumstances could be just what you need. Click the button for an introduction to our 'Rhythm of Life Resources' offering guidelines on how they work, some basic building blocks and a downloadable framework sheet for you to design your own personal rhythm.
Click here for an introduction and guidelines
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'It’s a framework of regular actions and practices we choose that help us grow as Christians. The bible and prayer will be at its centre.'
Why a Rhythm of Life?
When the first followers of Jesus met, they created rhythms of life and worship. Those patterns revolved around a framework of daily meetings for worship; shared meals; public witness and care for the vulnerable (Acts 2.44-47). Over the centuries groups of Christians developed similar patterns and practices to help them grow in their faith.
In the Diocese of Bristol, we want to find the rhythms and patterns that will help us ground our faith in everyday life. Your rhythm will be different from mine, but what is important is that it provides you with a framework for growth.
A calling
We are called to be people who reflect the richness and love of God in our lives. People who make space in our lives to grow closer to him and to be transformed into his likeness wherever we are.
John Mark Comer describes this as ‘Practising the Way of Jesus.’
A decision
Every life has a rhythm. That rhythm will be shaped by the community we live in. We may be aware of those rhythms, or not. They may simply be shaped by the necessities of life: shopping; work; relationships; illness; cleaning; social media; the things we view on TV. We may also have spiritual rhythms of service, prayer and worship.
How aware are we of the rhythms that shape our lives, for good or ill? We can control those rhythms, or we can be controlled by them. How do we create rhythms that result in Godly lives?
Paul encourages those who long to follow Jesus to intentionally ‘keep in step with the Spirit.’ (Galatians 5.25)
When we first meet Jesus and respond to his call we begin a journey of discovery. Like all journeys it won’t happen by accident and is better with others. Along the way we will grow and change. Every journey will be different, but one thing is common to all – we won’t get anywhere unless we are willing to pack our bags and set out.
Creating a Rhythm of Life.
A personal rhythm of life is:
Intentional – it’s something deliberate. Something we choose to do in response to God's call on our lives.
Accountable – as in all of life it’s much easier when we have friends to encourage you to keep going.
Purposeful – we want to become more like Jesus in every part of our life.
The aim is to find a rhythm of life that works for you. One that helps you become the person God has called you to be.
A shared Rhythm of Life
God is everywhere. As you draw near to God he draws near to you (James 4.8). God meets you in love and invites you to respond by seeking his will each day. Your part is to create time and space to allow him to work within you. It will only happen if you decide to make experiencing more of him a personal priority.
It’s easier to find and practise a rhythm of life when you do it together. So, why not find a friend or friends to try it with you.
These resources are designed to help individuals and churches explore and find rhythms of life that keep God at the centre of all we are and do. They offer ideas and actions to help you. They reflect three key areas that help to shape the rhythms of our lives:
Following Jesus: discipleship.
Serving Others: mission.
Growing and transforming
Find out more about what your Rhythm of Life could become