Welcome to January. Here you'll find practices to try during the first month of your Rhythm of Life tasters. Don't feel that you have to try them all. A rhythm of life is not meant to add more pressure in already busy lives. It's meant to help you make space for God in your everyday life. Many of us will only have space for one or two new practices. Others may have more time to explore. What matters is that you find ways to connect with God that bring peace, growth and flourishing to your life.
So, time to begin.
Doing - Get stuck in
In this section you can download simple, clear instructions on how to get started:
Watching - Learning from others
We've asked people to try out some of practices to share their experiences of how they have helped them to connect with God in new ways:
Watch John White as he shares how his relationship with God has grown as he has learned to combine work and prayer. Share with him as he models how his work leads his praying.
Explore a deeper silence with Anjali Kanagaratnam as she explains how silence enables her to hear God speak. Experience a guided period of silence with her.
Kathy Prosser shares how she combines prayer and scripture with her exercise routine.
Going Deeper - experience more about Benedictine spirituality in practice
Discover more about what was most important to Benedict and spend a month putting it into practice with four weeks of guided activities to explore:
Sign up for the Monthly Taster Sessions on Zoom by clicking below
Further resources and links
James Martin’s video gives more information about Lectio Divina
Closer to home, the Community of St Aldhelm is based on Malmesbury Abbey
Tim Wildsmith’s videos Doing leading Lectio Divina: for example, Psalm 23
Further Reading
Finding Sanctuary by Christopher Jamison
How to Live: What the rule of Benedict teaches us about happiness, meaning and community by Judith Valente
Life with Benedict: The Rule reimagined for everyday living by Richard Frost
"I have found this book really helpful in my devotional times" - Andrew Johnson, Corsham
Click below to return to the main Rhythm of Life page: Or have a sneak peek at next month: