I am pleased to say I have hardly any blisters at the end of this first year! Its always reassuring after the first long hike you go out on, when you know that your new shoes are a great fit. My sense of calling in areas such as worship and evangelism has been exercised and strengthened. I have seen God on the ground here in so many ways.
Our church ran an Alpha course last Autumn which was really well attended. The feedback was so encouraging of God's work in peoples lives, from those who have returned to faith to those who have first found it.
We had the privilege of baptising four people who attended this Alpha course in our local swimming pool, and seeing the joy on their faces as they came up out of the water, and the whole church around the sides of the pool cheering them on and shouting and clapping, and the lifeguards looking on in bewilderment, gave me a real excitement that this is a huge part of what church should be like more often.
We started a brand new small group of 10 people that had recently come to faith, and its so encouraging seeing God make a difference in their lives in increasing measure, week by week so many ways that God is at work, so much to give thanks for.
Gods faithfulness and provision, the joy of seeing folk come into the Kingdom and learning how to live like a new family together. That sort of sums up year one for me as a curate here in Malmesbury.