Thanks to Revd Steve Wilkinson, Priest in Charge of the Woodbridge Group in North Wiltshire for sharing this report on their Creating Confidence Sunday, which they held a week earlier as they already had scheduled a special group service for 29 June.
I found the Evangelism pages on the website really helpful. For our Creating Confidence Sunday activities, I began with an initial introduction based on those articles, and then asked people to sit at tables of five to eight people and consider a whole load of 'Talk about' cards which I'd prepared and shared out between the tables.
Each table had ten cards, featuring one of the following prompts to talk about...
someone who influenced your Christian journey
someone who affected your understanding of your faith
a time or a place when you felt really close to God
a time when you made a commitment to God
an encounter with God
a time when God called you to be something
what God has been doing in your life recently
a significant moment
a time when God moved you to do something
when you went somewhere for God.
Discussion flowed really well, and I had to stop them well before they ran out of steam. Two testimonies were shared, 10,000 Voices wristbands issued and several cards taken, pointing people to the 10,000 Voices website. One of those testimonies was from a really quiet lady, who would never usually be brave enough to address a gathering of people.
Confidence really had been created. Praise God for that!