Transforming Church update - working groups and draft strategy

Transforming Church Together has moved to the next stage of development following the almost unanimous vote in favour of the draft strategic plan at Diocesan Synod on Saturday 19 March. 

Diocesan Synod members had a lively debate about the draft plan and identified areas for improvement and development. The next step is to work on these areas, as well as gather feedback and comments from other people across the diocese as a more detailed plan is shaped for the next Diocesan Synod meeting in June. 

The draft strategy and details of the work and process so far can be found here. Look out for meetings and events coming up over the next few weeks about Transforming Church. Please contact us at with any thoughts and contributions about the draft strategy or Transforming Church as a whole. 

The Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol said: “Thank you to those who engaged so positively in the discussions about Transforming Church at Diocesan Synod – it was hugely encouraging to be able to reflect on the discernment and conversations so far. This gives us all confidence and energy as the whole diocese now looks together at the detail of what we are hoping to do, together. 

“We have so much good to build upon, things we need to change, an exciting vision that we are called to, and the joy and challenge of working together to sustain and grow our church in our communities. May God be with us as we embark on this truly exciting phase of our diocesan life.” 

There will be further opportunities for the diocese to be involved in our emerging strategy, as it is refined and eventually implemented. 

Transforming Church Together is a process to discern and develop the next vision and strategic plan for the Diocese of Bristol begun in January 2021. You can find out more about it here.

Image: credit Adam Gasson 2021

First published 28th March 2022
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