Safeguarding Dashboards

Safeguarding in the Church of England has changed considerably in recent years, and is likely to continue changing in the foreseeable future.

New policies and procedures are making churches safer, but they have also brought a significant increase in the amount of administration for safeguarding officers.

Safeguarding Dashboards is addressing this challenge by making safeguarding administration simpler for everyone. It is available free of charge to Church of England churches in participating dioceses, including the Diocese of Bristol.

Safeguarding Dashboards has been designed to display a clear and simple dashboard on a mobile phone, tablet or computer.

The home page allows the safeguarding officer, incumbent, churchwardens and other authorised users to see the current status of compliance at a glance. Green lights bring reassurance that all is well; amber means that acon is needed, and red means its urgent.

So far 40% of our parishes have already signed up; if you have not yet responded to the invitation from the Safeguarding team, please do so by Friday 24 January.

First published 21st January 2020
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