Share your story of invitation
We would love to hear from you about the invitational events your church hosted during the Weekend of Invitation.
During June and July, as part of the Journey of Invitation, churches have been hosting events and encouraging Christians to invite those they have been praying for during Thy Kingdom Come to attend.
Perhaps it was a church open day, a special service, a family fun afternoon, a quiz night, a concert, a dance, a breakfast, a shared lunch or an afternoon tea! Whatever you did to invite those you know to "Be our guest", we would love to hear about it.
Please share with us:
Did you use the Invitation Cross activity before your event?
If you did, how did the church feel seeing all those names, on post it notes, laid at the cross?
Did you host an Inviter Sunday before your event?
Does anyone have a story to share about how they felt inviting someone and what happened as a result?
What was the event that you hosted? How did it go? What did people say about it?
Any photos you have of your event would also be most appreciated.
Please send your stories, thoughts and feedback to chris.priddy@bristoldiocese.org
Stories share with us will be shared to encourage other churches and enable us to celebrate together all the God is doing amongst us.