Update from Bristol West Deanery Link

Latest news from Janani Luwum College

Every December we send a financial gift to Janani Luwum College, St. Philips Gulu and the Diocese of Northern Uganda and we are delighted to hear that it is being well spent. They have supplied us with details of the real difference it makes, paying for things like a Vicars housing, salaries and other needs.

Further good news is that Janani Luwum College has reopened with a new Principal, Rev Sandra Earixson (in the foreground of the picture) who graduated with a Masters Degree from the Uganda Christian University, Mukono. She is very optimistic that the college will develop into a University offering other disciplines in addition to Theology.

In a related development, a fundraising dinner was organized for the College and about 5 Million Uganda Shillings (1250) was realized in cash and pledges.

That is not enough,they say, and there is need to really support the college. Your prayer and support is asked for.

Congratulations are also in order for Rev Sandra Earixson who has recently been ordained Deacon by Bishop Johnson Gakumba.


Deanery Visit to Uganda

From 10th to 25th October 2013, 18 people from the Deanery will be setting off visiting our three link dioceses - Kitgum, Nebbi and N Uganda - renewing friendships and meeting with our partners to discern and plan for the next 5 years together. The hope and desire is that we will be able to develop a more mutually accountable way of working with initiatives and direction coming from both sides of the partnership.

We shall receive plenty of information during and after the visit.

Canon Stuart Taylor; the Diocesan Ecumenical and Global Officer, Rev. Chris Dobson as well as Karen Lewis (who with her husband know N. Uganda and Sudan well as part of their Reconcile Consulting firm) will be the experienced leaders as well as Alison Rowe (the Deanery Uganda Link Chair)

First published 27th August 2013
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