Rt Rev Zac Niringiye, Assistant Bishop of Kampala attended the launch of the Anti-Corruption Coalition Uganda (ACCU) in November. Speaking after the event he challenged the prevailing ethos of corruption and graft, calling on churches to look to their own behaviour.
Archbishop Henry Orombi had earlier addressed the Church of Uganda's Synod in August highlighting with sadness the fact that in a country where 85% consider themselves to be Christian there is also one of the highest levels of corruption in the world.
Archbishop Henry called the church to a new commitment to personal integrity and holiness.
It takes courage to look honestly at ourselves and to admit where we have got things wrong. Sometimes those thingshave becomeso much a part of who we are that it is difficult even to acknowledge them. Yet as Jesus observed, it is knowing the truth that will set us free. Perhaps the example of our Uganda brothers and sisters in facing painful truths can inspire us to look again at our own Christian life.