Thy Kingdom Come Beacon Weekend

We are so excited about Thy Kingdom Come 2020!

Between 21 May and 31 May 2020, millions of Christians worldwide will unite in praying that more people would come to know the amazing love of Christ.
Parishes across the Diocese are once again encouraged to participate in a way relevant to your context - this could be through a specific prayer event, providing Novena prayer resources to individuals, using one of the TKC service plans, running a HOPE prayer space in a community place or hosting an all age creative prayer time (other ideas are of course also valid!)

Collectively and ecumenically, all are invited to a three special events comprising a Thy Kingdom Come Beacon Weekend, building on the success of last years Beacon Event.

Messy Kingdom: Sat 30th May, 10am-2pm

Please join us for a fantastic day of fun and creative prayer for young people and families in Bristol Cathedral. The cathedral will be filled with fete-style stalls set up with crafts and creative things to do, centred on the theme of prayer and creation. Drop in at any time to join in this messy, fun filled adventure. No ticket is required.

Reflective Kingdom: Sun 31st May, 3.30pm

Please join us for a reflective, evensong, kingdom encounter with God. The world class Cathedral choir will lead us in this deep, ancient liturgy as we reflect on the theme of prayer and creation. No ticket is required.

Thy Kingdom Come ecumenical beacon event: Sunday 31st May, 7-9pm

All are invited to the 2020 Thy Kingdom Come, ecumenical beacon event at which Pete Grieg, of 24/7, prayer will be speaking.

People of all ages from all denominations, from across the South West, are invited to come together in unity to encounter Jesus in contemporary band-led worship and to pray for God's Kingdom to come in our communities. This years theme is prayer and creation.

Pete is a best-selling author, pastor and bewildered instigator of the 24-7 Prayer movement which has reached more than half the nations on earth.

Doors open at Bristol Cathedral at 6.30pm with the prayer event taking place from 7pm to 9pm.

First published 17th January 2020
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