The Diocese has learned of the death of the Venerable Kenneth Clark, who was Archdeacon of Swindon between 1982 1992.
Former Archdeacon of Bristol, the Venerable David Banfield, has paid the following tribute.
Kenneth came to the Diocese of Bristol in 1952 when Frederick Cockin was Bishop. This was after notable war-time service as a submariner in the Royal Navy and then preparation for Ordination at Oxford.
Curacies in Brinkworth, Cricklade with Latten and Filwood Park were followed by three parishes where he was Incumbent: Holy Cross Inns Court, Holy Trinity Westbury-on-Trym and Saint Mary Redcliffe with Temple, including priest in charge of Saint Michael Bedminster.
In 1973 he was made Rural Dean of Bedminster by Bishop Oliver Tomkins. The considerable contribution he made to those parishes was long-lasting. Wherever I visited during the 1990's I met his former parishioners who remembered him well and gave thanks for his effective ministry. In 1974 he became an Honorary Canon of Bristol Cathedral.
Bishop John Tinsley appointed him Archdeacon of Swindon in 1982. For the next ten years he devoted himself to the Archdeaconry and to the ministry and mission of the Diocese as a member of the Bishop's Staff, initially with Bishop Tinsley and then with Bishop Barry Rogerson.
Membership of General Synod, formal Visitations, parish visits, rural deans meetings and concern for the industrial, economic, ecumenical and community life of this urban and rural area of Wiltshire focussed his prayers, thoughts and actions.
The major town of Swindon and the other towns and villages saw much of him month by month. Clergy and Lay people alike were grateful for the warm hospitality and wide interest shown them by Kenneth and Elizabeth, not least their concern for the Ordained Ministry of Women.
The year and a half that we had working together before he retired was invaluable. With many others, Rita and I give thanks for shared faith, friendship, encouragement and support.
Kenneths funeral will be held at Holy Trinity Church, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol on Thursday 7th February at 1pm.