Ideas and resources for Key Stage 2 on explaining key themes in Christian belief and practice.
These materials were part of a workshop delivered by Sue Thompson and Kathryn Symons at the 2012 Bristol and South Glos annual SACRE conference for RE teachers.
Sue Thompson teaches Y5 at Elmlea Junior School where she is responsible for RE and Collective Worship. Sue is Bristols RE AST. She supports RE Subject Leaders through coaching, with planning and assessment, by giving demonstration lessons and by leading Staff Meetings. Sue jointly runs the Primary RE Network and is a member of SACRE.
Kathryn Symons, 50, with three lovely children and a black spaniel. "Optimistic believer, motivating teacher, patient mother, excitable juggler, creative, thoughtful listener. Thats me on a good day!"
Teaching Christianty Well 2 - Skills in RE
Teaching Christianity Well 3 - The change in Peter
Teaching Christianity Well 4 - Easter playscripts