Bishop Mike led a small team from the Diocese of Bristol to deliver a four-day conference on Christian leadership for delegates from the Church of Uganda in January 2015.
The team included Bishop Lee Rayfield, Revd Canon Stuart Taylor, Revd Dr David Hart (Methodist Superintendent) and Revd Chris Dobson.
More than160 senior leaders from the Province of Uganda attended the conference, including 33 bishops. Archbishop Stanley Ntagali observed this was a very significant conference on a number of levels. It was a "unique opportunity" for bishops, clergy and lay people to reflect together on some of the leadership challenges facing the Church of Uganda.
Delegates appreciated the breadth and quality of material shared by the conference leaders and in particularthe way in which they were prepared to be open and honest about their own experience, both good and bad.
Bishop Mikeset the tone with an inspirational Bible study on Nehemiahs leadership, while Bishop Lee led a number of sessions on the importance of integrity of character and action. Leehighlighted ways to sustain our own personal spiritual health as well as giving practical help in recruiting and developing new leaders. His session on Leading from within was widely appreciated.
Stuart Taylor acted as pastoral adviser and worship coordinator and delivered a popular workshop on the pastoral care of clergy. David Hart was able to provide a different, ecumenical perspective on some of the practicalities associated with leading and delegating in the context of the church.
Sessions on leadership in times of conflict, led by Chris Dobson using material from the Mennonites, revealed how much we have in common across our cultures. The challenge of dealing with conflict effectively is clearly something we all struggle with regularly.
In this short video a few of the participants share some of the insights and experiences they will take away with them.
Bishop Dan Zoreka summed it up, "I know that the Church today is suffering due to the lack of strong leadership. Thank you for all the insights about good leadership."