St Marys & St James Lockleaze named as top community place

The initial findings report was produced by Royal Mencap Society Community Partners after an engagement project with a questionnaire and 32 ‘Community Conversations’.

Over 350 local people across Lockleaze, Horfield, Ashley, Bishopston and Ashley Down wards participated and shared their thoughts on what they like about their community.

The report highlights over 170 community places were identified as valued and much loved local places, including St Marys & St James Lockleaze. In the report, people mentioned: classes they access at the Church, including kickboxing and dance; North Bristol Food Bank; Tots group. One young person said that they, 'Like the different people who go each week'.

The initial findings report was presented earlier this month to a newly formed ‘My Community’ Action Group which is made up of local people, with and without a learning disability, who are keen to make Bristol an even better place for people to live happy and healthy lives. You can watch the presentation on YouTube here.

Rev Rob Smith, vicar of St Marys & St James said, ‘We were pleasantly surprised on hearing this news. We've had lots of changes over the last few years, we are a small team with a big heart to serve the community and work with those already embedded in the community of Lockleaze. We are a church open to all and want it to be a safe, fun and loving place for all.’

Alice Cranston, Bristol Community Partner for Royal Mencap Society, said, ‘It’s been great hearing all the fantastic work the Church is doing in the community.’

You can read the full initial findings report here.


First published 1st August 2022
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