We are extremely proud to announce that St. Chad's Patchway C. of E. Primary School in South Gloucestershire has been named as Wales and West Regional Winner of the Church School Awards 2011!
"This award is partly the result of our school's commitment to Community Cohesion and Global Citizenship, as well as our commitment to promoting Christian values throughout our community," said a school representative.
St. Chads has demonstrated the whole of the school community is aware of the vital role they play in nurturing the local and wider community. The Staff and Governors have developed a clearly defined school vision: 'To be a happy learning community based on Christian values which enables all children to reach their full potential.'
The school is in a suburban area with children from different socioeconomic groups. It has a predominately mono cultural population and promoting Community Cohesion is important to them. The aim is for the school community to understand, care and contribute to its community, and understand human rights. An international theme runs through the school curriculum. Pupils become aware of their role as a Global Citizen as they develop an informed awareness of countries, cultures and languages.
Children at St. Chad's are encouraged to become responsible citizens with Christian values. Assemblies are based on Values for Life, a programme for Collective Worship written by the Diocese of Bristol. It teaches values including honesty, trust, justice and peace. The School Behaviour Code has four rules and teaches the children about respect, care, justice, and forgiveness. The school has strong links with St. Chads Church. Following its Harvest Service, Year 6 pupils deliver Harvest gifts to vulnerable people in the community. St. Chad's children enjoy being involved in charity fundraising opportunities such as 'Children in Need'. Parents and Faith representatives from different cultures come in to talk, so that the school can learn from races and cultures and recognise its multicultural society.
The school supports Sustainable Development by having Recycling Workshops and a School Travel Plan, aiming to reduce car use and congestion and to encourage walking or cycling. School cooks use local produce when possible to reduce the miles food has to travel. Each class grows and sells its own produce from the school garden. They also recycle paper, old mobile phones, books and toys.
On the afternoon of 24th March 2011, Mr. Tony Cooper (the Headteacher), two adults involved in the application and seven children went to Westminster Cathedral Hall in London to receive their prize from the Minister of State for Schools, Nick Gibb MP. They were also invited to make a presentation of how their school inspires citizens and support communities.