Special Ugandan Service in Bitton

Each month at St Marys Bitton we have a Fourth Sunday Special. In July we decided to have Morning Worship Uganda Style.

The highlight was an interview with Mary and David Bryant who joined us from St Annes Oldland. The story of how David (while doing voluntary work) and Mary met in Uganda in 2006 and eventually married was a gripping testimony based on Jeremiah 29.11 I alone know the plans I have for you ...plans to bring about the future you hope for.

Illustrated by photos of her home village in Uganda Mary told us of the contrasting way of life there and here. Worship plays a central part for her in both countries though our service of an hour or so cannot compete with their 4 hour celebrations. Mary then taught us a song which we sang in Marys language and in ours.

Later as we prepared to pray we heard news of the KSG Deanery Youth 2 Youth team who were in Uganda at that moment. The chance was taken to remind everyone of the Bristol Uganda Link and of how our annual gift to the Deanery Fund has helped in a small way to finance the team.

And finally we remembered the work of our CMS Link, Dr Corrie Verduyn who works at a hospital in Uganda. It was a thoroughly Ugandan morning.

We are now looking forward to a visit from members of the Youth 2 Youth team on 22 September.

Article by Ken Gibson

First published 8th August 2013
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