Six ways your church can get involved with Thy Kingdom Come:
- Initiate a prayer station (see Bright ideas for your church for examples). Let it be somewhere that people can leave the names of the five they are praying for. If the use of candles is in your tradition invite the congregation to light a candle for their five people before the service starts.
- Download the Morning and Evening prayer booklets and invite people to join you for the period of Thy Kingdom Come. For those at work invite them to have them on their phones and pray it either as they commute or at work. You never know it might set a new discipline for folk.
- Sunday Intercessions. From now on, why not include one slot at which people are encouraged to name out loud, or silently, the five people they are praying for to know the love of God for themselves?
- The date of the Royal wedding - as well as a certain football match - is 19 May. Why not host a fun, Royal wedding themed event and link it to Thy Kingdom Come?
- This year, Thy Kingdom Come prayer period coincides with Christian Aid Week. Why not encourage your people who are delivering and collecting envelopes to simply pray silently at each door way or gate way Thy Kingdom Come here Lord?
- Try a community prayer walk using the Icthus fish symbols acting as a prompt to pray for people locally to come to know Jesus Christ?
Have a look at the website for more information on all the ideas above.