Shirley Danby was ordained deacon in July 2009 and will be priested on 3 July 2010. She serves as a curate in the Upper Thames Group of parishes in North Wiltshire.
My journey to today started long ago - brought up in a Christian family, God was always there but in the background. Gradually through my local church in Cricklade, its fellowship, Greenbelt & fellow travellers on life's journey, I found that God and Christianity mattered and shaped my life.
We read of God's call to ordained ministry for other people I never expected it for me, still find it hard to believe and it shows that God's grace and calling is for all of us. I am hugely grateful for the support of my family and some very special friends who have encouraged me along this road - it's an exciting privilege to serve my local community in this way.
We are called, not to success but to faithfulness, so I hope I'll be faithful to this path and the good things God has in store for the Upper Thames Parishes.