Safeguarding news January 2017

Safer Recruitment guidance

National guidance in respect of safer recruitment has changed from July 2016. It is available on the C of E website.

Key additions to the guidance have been incorporated into the safer recruitment guidance for use in Bristol Diocese. These include:

  • Portability of DBS checks within the Diocese
  • Applicants from overseas
  • Referral to DBS when people have been removed from a role

DBS reminder

The period for renewal of DBS checks remains at 5 years. If you would like to know when you are due a renewal in your current role your Parish Safeguarding Officer will be able to tell you. If a DBS check has expired then the person concerned must step down from their role whilst a new DBS certificate is applied for and issued.

Church Representation Rules 2017

Important changes have been made to the church representation rules that came into effect on 1 January 2017. In particular these apply to anyone seeking nomination for election, being chosen for or co-opted into a role for a Parochial Church Council (PCC) position, District Church Council and any Synod. The rule change that has particular regard to safeguarding is in respect of those who are disqualified. Those nominated, chosen or elected will be subject of an enhanced DBS Check in order to ensure that they are not disqualified from the position.

Section 46a sub sections aa ad state that a person shall be disqualified from being nominated, chosen or elected or from serving on a Parochial Church Council (PCC) position, District Church Council and any Synod: or, being appointed to act or from acting as a secretary or treasurer of a PCC if:

  • The person is included in a barred list (within the meaning of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006);
  • The person has been convicted of an offence mentioned in Schedule 1 to the Children and Young Persons Act 1933.

Waiver of disqualification

A disqualification can be waived by the Bishop of the Diocese and must be confirmed in writing following consultation with the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser and any other appropriate persons.

SCIE Audit of Safeguarding Arrangements

Bristol Diocese is taking part in an audit of safeguarding arrangements during the first week of February 2016. The audit is part of a national audit of all dioceses in England and the Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE) have been engaged by the Church of England to complete the audit.

The Diocese is keen to ensure that more developments in safeguarding practice throughout the Diocese area are recognised. It is expected that the audit will enable the Diocese to identify lessons in order to improve safeguarding practice and support provided to parishes in their own practice.

Further information regarding the audits process and audits that have been completed in other Dioceses can be found on the SCIE website here:  

Parish Safeguarding Officer Role Description

This document has been updated to highlight the need for Incumbents to share any relevant safeguarding information known with any new PSOs coming into role. The full document can be seen here:

First published 20th January 2017
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