Opportunities for people to explore the Christian Faith
As we seek to Make disciples we must focus on evangelism, witness and inviting people to explore and respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Hosting Christian Nurture courses is shown to be associated with church growth.
Over 29 million people have tried Alpha around the world. Allister McGrath, President of the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics said Alpha has become one of the most reliable and important means of drawing people into the church. It has enormous potential.
Run Alpha 17 is a great opportunity to get equipped for running Alpha in your parish.
WHAT IS RunAlpha17?
Run Alpha is a training event designed to equip you with practical insight to run Alpha better, no matter what stage of the journey you're at.
When : Friday 17-18th November
Where : HTB Onslow Square, London, SW7 3NX
Well introduce you to the basics of running Alpha in your context. Youll learn the history of Alpha, get some insight into the practical stuff of how to run Alpha, and explore stories of Alphas impact across the world.
Discover fresh, imaginative ways to build on your experience of running Alpha. We'll give you specific, practical tips (like how to improve the Alpha Weekend/Day), as well as address some common Alpha myths.
Extend your understanding of running Alpha for wider impact. We'll broaden your thinking by looking at how to coach other churches and leaders, plus talk about Alpha as a church planting tool.