Revd Christopher Bryan appointed Archdeacon of Malmesbury

Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, is delighted to announce the appointment of Revd Christopher Bryan as the new Archdeacon of Malmesbury.

Christopher, who is currently Rector of Gauzebrook and Area Dean for North Wiltshire, will take up the post in the Spring. The Ven Graham Archer will continue as acting Archdeacon until Easter.

Christopher said: Im hugely looking forward to serving as Archdeacon of Malmesbury. I've ministered in this Diocese for eight years and it's great to see what God is doing here.

When you step out into something new, you have to rely on the Holy Spirit, and that's very healthy! I long to see churches become healthy, Christ-centred communities which can reach people for Christ and transform our society.

Christopher has been Rector of the Gauzebrook group of churches, which consists of nine churches across eight parishes, since October 2010. He was made Area Dean of North Wiltshire in 2016. He is also acting as the lead incumbent of the North Wilts Mission Area, which brings together parishes to focus on wider mission.

Originally from High Wycombe, Christopher read Biological Studies at Oxford University. He went on to read Theology at Durham, after taking a post as Licensed Lay Worker at a church in Chester Diocese for a year.

Following his ordination, Christopher was an Assistant Curate in Dudley, before being appointed Priest in Charge of Lechlade in Gloucester Diocese in 2004.

Bishop Viv said: I am delighted that Christopher has been appointed as the Archdeacon of Malmesbury. He is widely known as one of our senior clergy in the Diocese and during his service in the Diocese has carried a variety of additional responsibilities which will fit him well for this new role.

Christopher will bring considerable knowledge, experience and wisdom to this post and has the advantage of building on a foundation of existing strong relationships.

Christopher is married to Chantal and has three children: Jonathan, 12, Susannah, nine, and Jemima, six. His hobbies include gardening in his vegetable plot, rural walking and he enjoys the post-apocalyptic genre.

Christophers son, Jonathan, is already carving out a successful career as a writer. Jonathan, who has severe cerebral palsy and communicates by eye-pointing, published his first book, Eye Can Write, earlier this year. It reached number 12 on the Amazon sales chart.

First published 25th November 2018
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