It is with deep sadness we announce the death of the Revd Beth Brown.
Beth died peacefully on 28 February in the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. She had been in the John Radcliffe since 23 December, when she was taken there with severe multiple injuries following a car accident.
Following a career in teaching, and then theological studies at Trinity College, Bristol, Beth was made deacon in Wells cathedral in 1995 and ordained priest in 1996. She served her curacy in Taunton before holding parochial posts in Bath and Swindon, where she ministered at Dorcan Church. She had been working in the Diocese of Salisbury since June 2015.
Rt Revd Lee Rayfield, Bishop of Swindon and acting Diocesan Bishop, said: "I was deeply saddened to hear the news of Beth's passing. She had some very difficult times not long after coming to Swindon and when she moved to a house-for-duty post in Salisbury Diocese, it felt as though a new chapter had opened for Beth. This has been tragically cut short and our hearts go out to her family and all those who held her with deep affection."
Beth is survived by an extended family of which she was a much loved member, including her father, her sister Katrina and brother-in-law Doug, her nieces and their children. Her dog Cariad (Welsh for darling) was her constant companion who was was well known around the parish and visited her in hospital.
Beths funeral will take place on Saturday 17 March at 12.30pm at St Mary's Church, Bishops Canning.