Reflections on Archdeacons' Visitations 2019

The Archdeacons of Malmesbury and Bristol have had a wonderful couple of weeks, meeting Churchwardens and their clergy around the Diocese.

The Diocesan Registrar and Deputy Registrars joined the Archdeacons in welcoming the Churchwardens into their roles as Bishop's Officers, celebrating and affirming their ministry.

Churches across the Diocese gave a warm welcome for the seven services: a local community choir inspired us in Swindon, leading to a special evening together; delicious strawberries were served in Chippenham; a vast amount was prepared - and eaten - at Ashton Gate and Sherston. People enjoyed relaxing together after the services, renewing old friendships, exchanging ideas and meeting new people.

The Archdeacons spoke about the Journey of Invitation, encouraging us to work out what this means in our local churches, reaching out as well as welcoming in.

Ven Christopher Bryan, Archdeacon of Malmesbury, said: "It was interesting that, with the same hymns and songs, the same words and promises, each Deanery's service felt a little different, expressing a unique flavour of the people and the place.

"It was a special occasion in each church we visited, and I am already looking forward to the services next year."

You can see photos from some of the services on our Facebook page.

Visitation Sermons by the Archdeacons

First published 22nd May 2019
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