Quietly, bringing peace


I have never felt such joy and peace and I know that God was truly in my life and that I was filled with His Spirit.

Sandra Neate crop

A few years ago I had the most amazing experience. Two people from another church were praying over me that I would be filled with the Holy Spirit and feel it at work in my life.


During the prayers I felt an overwhelming feeling of pure joy! I felt as if there were literally a million bubbles waiting to burst out of me like those in a bottle of champagne I was laughing and grinning like a drunken idiot!

Something else happened too.

I had been suffering with very sore and chapped skin as it was winter and no amount of hand cream helped. But when the prayers ended I realised that my hands were cool and comfortable and healed.

I have never felt such joy and peace and I know that God was truly in my life and that I was filled with His Spirit.

I went home with such a massive smile on my face and told my family what had happened. They thought that I was going slightly bonkers!

Although I have never since felt the bubbling-over, joyfulness of that experience, I know that the Holy Spirit is at work in my life, presenting itself in different ways according to need. I know that often the Holy Spirit comes quietly, bringing peace and reassurance.

And I have grown in my faith, understanding more of the Holy Trinity, knowing and loving the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as individuals and as the One.


Sandra Neate worships at St Marys Shirehampton



Contemplate now

The Holy Spirit lives within each of us, and each of us is a unique temple.

Each of the three persons of the Holy Trinity invites us to join them.

How do you see the Holy Spirit as The Giver of Life in your context?


Meditate today

The Spirit is at work all around us and in all things.

First published 18th March 2015
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