One of the key actions from amotion passed atthe last General Synod wasto support aninitiative encouraging Christians to pray and fastfor climate justice on the first day of each month.
Pray and Fast for the Climate is a movement of Christians praying and fasting on the 1st of each month for a meaningful and just global climate agreement at the UN climate talks in Paris, which start on 30 November 2015.
"This is one way in which every member of the church can play a constructive role in a movement for change and for the safeguarding of God's creation our habitat, the planet," says Bishop NicholasHoltam, Chair of the Environment Working Group.
The movementbeganin the UK but now includes people from Australia, Canada, Europe and the US, and the hope is itwill continue to grow. Recently the Anglican Communion Bishops statement on the environment recommendedall Anglicans worldwide pray and fast on the 1st of the month.
It states in the Lambeth Declaration 2015 on Climate Change that "we urge our Government to use their influence to achieve a legally-binding commitment at the international Climate Change talks in Paris, and with the continuing programme beyond. Through our various traditions we bring our fasting and our prayers for the success of the negotiations.
"We call with humility, with a determination enlivened by our faith and with awareness of the need for courage, justice and hope. We are faced with a huge challenge. But we are hopeful that the necessary changes can be made for the sake of all who share this world today - and those who will share it tomorrow."
Ifyou believe that Christians owe it to future generations and those already impacted by climate change to respond to the climate crisis, then please join this movement.
We trust that God will use our prayers to influence politicians, build a powerful platform for change, strengthen our campaigning and inspire others.
Find out more at www.prayandfastfortheclimate.org.uk