Many churches in the Diocese offer prayer for healing and wholeness for members of their congregation. In some it is offered weekly, some monthly, some occasionally.
For a few years a group called Churches Ministry for Healing (CMH) has offered a day of training and support for churches who are offering or interested in offering this sort of ministry to their congregations.
Last years event was attended by more than 80y people, lay and ordained, from around 40 churches in the Diocese. The speaker was Revd Kate Picot, from Harnhill Centre of Christian Healing. As well as the teaching, there was also the opportunity to put it to practical use as all were invited to take part in praying with and for each other.
Leslie Willcox, a member of CMH, said: "From the feedback received we know that many attending were encouraged, informed and inspired about prayer ministry, both from the teaching and practical aspects of the morning."
This year the event takes place on Saturday 28 September at Malmesbury Abbey. The keynote speaker will be Revd Dr Alison Morgan, associate of the Mathetes Trust, who will be speaking on I am the Lord who heals you. She has written widely about discipleship including (with John Woolmer) In His Name, a training course of healing prayer teams.
The morning is open to everyone with a heart for the church ministry of healing. There is no charge for attendance but contributions towards costs would be welcome. There is no need to register, but it would be helpful for indication of numbers if you can sign up on Eventbrite.