Please pray for those to be ordained next month - here's Rev Sarah's Story

Praying for those to be ordained - Rev Sarah's Story

Rev Sarah Matthews will be ordained as a Priest on Saturday 2nd July and will be Assistant Curate at the Easton Christian Family Centre in the benefice of Holy Trinity with Saint Gabriel and Saint Lawrence and Saint Jude, Easton.

Please read Rev Sarah’s story below:

“Starting my first year as a Deacon felt daunting and I had a timely reminder by someone that this is not about me. Such a wonderful comfort as I have embarked into new challenges, new experiences, and stepping out of my comfort zone.

“I am thankful to my wonderful husband and children who have continued to prop me up and support me in many ways. Thanks also to my amazing church family at Easton Christian Family Centre who have shown me what it truly means to serve in one of the most deprived parishes in the country and (in the words of Micah 6:8) how “to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God.”

“It has been a year full of God’s grace and getting closer to Jesus and I look forward with excitement as I continue to seek God’s will on my life.”

Look out for tomorrow's story!

First published 29th June 2022
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