Parish Giving Scheme set to launch online platform in March









This year, the Parish Giving Scheme is making exciting strides in developing the new online giving service that will enable donors to set up regular giving via their website. In December, a pilot of the online service was launched across five dioceses. This pilot is testing the online service, and considering feedback from active donors. Then, from March 2021, the aim is to extend the availability of the online method to all 3,200 registered parishes, across all 30 member dioceses.

Next month, we hope to be able to share guidance with all registered PGS parishes, so that you can prepare to introduce the online services to your donors. As well as bringing new functionality for donors using the website, including being able to set up and manage their own direct debits, there are also some enhanced services for parishes. Every parish has its own ‘landing page’ and Statement Receivers will be able to add and update an introductory paragraph.

While this is a long-awaited and exciting development, we're not yet in a position to offer the online services across the diocese; but watch this space, and we hope to set introduce this new platform soon. 

In the meantime, who not sign up to a webinar in March, to find out more



First published 18th January 2021
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