Who will you nominate for a 2020 DAC Award?
Each year the DAC recognises a number of projects via its awards scheme. The DAC Awards are made where a parish has completed a project to an exceptional standard of workmanship, or where a project has been key to that parishs growth and mission.
Anyone can nominate a project by filling in the DAC Awards nomination form. All Nominations must be sent to Anna Taylor by Friday 3 January 2020.
To find out more about the scheme please see our information leaflet.
The Diocesan Advisory Committee forms a key part of the process by which parishes develop proposals for their buildings and obtain consent to carry out work. It works closely with parishes in caring for their buildings and in adapting them to support their mission and growth. In doing so it encounters many people working with incredible commitment and passion, often with significant obstacles to be overcome.
The DAC recognises the achievement of each and every parish. It celebrates every case where work is subsequently undertaken and completed, especially where that allows the parish to focus anew on its mission and in bringing people to faith in Christ.
- The church must be within the Diocese of Bristol;
- The project must have been completed in 2019.