8 lesson plans to cover Key Stage 2 Unit 10: What does it mean to belong to a religion? Sikhism [B, D & E] for the Awareness, Mystery and Value scheme of work (as used by Bristol LA, North Somerset LAand BANES LA).
This unit explores aspects of festivals, celebrations, practices and communities and the beliefs to which they relateAbout this example:
This example is intended to provide a set of learning activities for a Year 4 (or 3) class. It could be used in RE lessons or as part of a creative curriculum approach. It was written by Sue Thompson, AST and Y5 teacher at Elmlea Junior School, Bristol
These 8 lesson plans cover:
- learning objectives and questions,
- suggested activities for teaching and learning,
- outcomes, and
- references, points to note and resources
Recommended resources are available form the All Saints Resource Centre near St Nicholas Market in Bristol (BS1 1JN).