July 5th. at St Peter's Penhill, Swindon
10:00 - 15:30 : Training daytime event for church leaders
18:30 - 20:00 : Open evening event
While it is an open question whether societal change really is happening more quickly today than it did in the past, it can certainly feel that way.
How does one do mission in this context and what practices or virtues for those ministering in such a context are likely to lead to flourishing for all God's people?
Exploring these and other questions, Revd Mike Pears (Urban Life and Baptist Minister) and Dr Andrew Williams (Lecturer in Human Geography and author of Working Faith: Faith-based Organizations and Social Justice, with Paul Cloke and Justin Beaumont)
This exciting day, aimed at clergy, will place particular emphasis on reading the contexts in which those attending are working, and will be followed by an open evening event with Anna Ruddick (Eden Network and University of Chester).
Book here for the daytime event: https://missioncontext.eventbrite.co.uk
Book here for the evening event: https://missioncontexteve.eventbrite.co.uk
Download a poster for these events by clicking here.
Find out more about the Social Justice Network here.