The Mission and Ministry Support Team

As the Diocesan Support Services reorganises around the Transforming Church.Together (TCT) strategy, the Mission and Ministry Support Team (M&MS) has been formed. This team continues the work of supporting ministers at all stages of their ministry, from exploring vocation to retirement. To this work, the team is adding that of supporting parishes and ministers in the mission of the church. The first new role has already begun, and Chris Dobson has started work as the Adviser for Parish Discipleship and Evangelism. Chris is working with parishes, mission areas and deaneries in exploring different ways of enabling growth in discipleship and confidence in sharing the good news of Jesus. 

As the TCT strategy unfolds, we expect to bring in new roles supporting Parish Development and Fresh Expressions of Church. Ongoing work with ministers will also be shaped by this new emphasis, and it is exciting that TCT has allowed us to bring together support for mission and ministry. We are looking forward to enhancing what we are able to offer the churches and ministers of the diocese.


First published 27th March 2023
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