This unit explores positive examples of how to live, values and commitments of faith founders, how actions of people of faith have changed the world. These lessons are intended to provide a set of learning activities for a Year 4 (or may be adapted for use with a Y3) class.
The focus in the following lessons is on exploring the impact of beliefs on how people live their lives, understanding and responding to beliefs and attitudes and evaluating own and others values. This example connects with Areas of Enquiry B (Practices and Ways of Life) and F (Values and Commitments). It makes cross-curricular connections with PSHE and History.
Examples of faith founders and religious leaders have been taken from Christianity (Jesus, Moses, Sister Frances Dominica and a local Christian minister), Sikhism (Guru Nanak), Hinduism (Gandhi) and Judaism (Moses). Teachers may like to use different leaders from those suggested.
The programme of learning aims to engage pupils through activities that may inspire action in their own lives, challenge their own views and understand more of how faith/belief inspires actions. The lessons are designed to fit with the Awareness Mystery and Value locally agreed syllabus Key Stage 2 Unit 9: How should we live and who can inspire us? They were written by Sue Thompson (AST and Y5 teacher at Elmlea Junior School, Bristol).
Key Stage 2 (Y4) Unit 9 How should we live and who can inspire us?