The Churches Mutual Credit Union is up and runningandyou are invited to join.
As a credit union, our members have a 'Common Bond'. Our Common Bond includes ordained and lay ministers, employees and office holders from the Anglican Churches of Britain, The Church of Scotland and the Methodist Church of Great Britain and charities and organisations associated with these churches. The list is extensive and if you are not certain if you qualify, please contact CMCU or telephone 01452 500463
Here are our top five reasons to open a creditunion account:
1. Regular Savers Accounthelps you build up anest egg straight from your salary.
2. Car Loans and Personal Loans to suit allneedslower rate on Car Loans repaid straightfrom your salary.
3. Benefit the people you work alongside as wellas yourselfthe money you save helps thecredit union give affordable loans to the peoplewho need us.
4. When you borrow, the cost of your loan helpsto build up the resources of our other members.
5. Saving from your salary is easyjust completethese three steps:
a) Apply via the online joining form atwww.cmcu.org.uk
b) Download and complete a payrolldeduction form and email it to admin@cmcu.org.uk or post it to theaddress belowc) Register for the online members area tomanage your account, to apply for a loanand to watch your savings grow.
Churches Mutual Credit Union Ltd, 3 Beaufort Buildings, Gloucester, GL1 1XB 01452 500 463 admin@cmcu.org.uk
Churches Mutual Credit Union Ltd is authorised by the Prudential
Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct
Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Churches Mutual
Credit Union Ltd is entered in the Financial Conduct Authoritys
register under number 654709.