Jo Northey was ordained Deacon in July 2009 and priested in 2010. She is curate at Christ Cchurch Swindon. Here she shares the path which lead her to this ministry.
As a clergy daughter I always said I would never be a vicar or marry one, dangerous words to utter! My life was going well, I enjoyed both the youth leading I was doing and living in Hong Kong when I felt God calling me back to train for the priesthood. Much kicking and screaming followed, but there is no point arguing with God and I soon found myself filling out all the forms and on a plane back home.
These last few years have amazed me with God's provision and encouragement over my context based training, re-rooting my ministry in real UK churches and I am looking forward to being part of the Christchurch family in Swindon and putting down roots in the community there.
Having arrived at Trinity single, I leave with a fantastic husband Ed and as you will be able to see a baby due to arrive in August! In case you were wondering.... yes, Ed is about to train for the priesthood too!
One year on, Jo looks back on her time as a Deacon.
It's been a hectic year since being made a deacon last summer. We have settled into Swindon well and made some firm friendships. Having Chloe a month into the curacy has meant I've been out of action in many ways for months of this year, and yet has opened up many other opportunities to get involved in the local community. Now that I come back to stipendary ministry, I'm sure the pitter patter of tiny feet will be missed at Christchurch's morning prayer! I'm looking forward to getting fully 'stuck in' to work at Christchurch to make the most of the exciting training opportunities it has to offer. I am so grateful to God for bringing me on this journey to priesthood and look forward with anticipation to the adventures together ahead!