We had an amazing turn-out for our INSPIRE conference in March 2019 with 150 delegates from churches across the Diocese, learning how our churches can be a blessing to schools and colleges and exploring different ways that people in churches can support children and young people in schools.
Alongside our keynote speaker, David Howell from Swindon YFC, there were a series of brilliant workshops - from sports ministry to the fantastic iSingPOP.
"Really good to meet up with other people who are passionate about supporting children/young people."
"The Secondary RE workshop was so useful inspiring and seemed very do-able."
"Great to connect with so many people who want to make a positive difference."
Support for getting involved
At the conference a new team of church-school/college mentors was launched in the Diocese. These 13 trained mentors are available to support churches to explore the ways in which they might engage with and support their local schools or colleges. These mentors are spread across the Diocese and have a particular focus on primary schools, secondary schools or colleges.
To find out more about your local mentor and to contact them. Click here.