Going Digital - resources to help the Church stay connected

There are a range of new and existing Christian resources available for people to engage with at this difficult and challenging time in the life of the nation and the world:

  • Weekly service broadcasts - these be made available each Sunday through the Church's Facebook page.
  • Time to Pray app - everything you need for Prayer During the Day, with variations according to the day of the week and the season of the Church’s year. Download for free.
  • Daytime prayer and Night prayer service audio - building on the existing daily prayer feed, this includes daytime prayer and night prayer for each day. It will be available as a downloadable app in the coming weeks.
  • Live streaming services from churches - AChurchNearYou.com now lists hundreds of churches offering live streams of services from across the country. Churches need to add the 'Livestream' tag to their services and events that will be broadcast. Remember to add into the description how people can watch this. You add a link to the platform you're using to stream, such as your Facebook Page or YouTube Channel. Find out more about live streaming services and events.
  • Increasing the number of training webinars - to help churches stream sermons, events and make the most of digital platforms. Sign up for free.
  • #LiveLent: Care for God's Creation - the Church of England's Lent campaign for 2020. With weekly themes shaped around the first Genesis account of creation, it explores the urgent need for humans to value and protect the abundance God has created. This daily audio content is available via the app and daily emails.
  • The BBC's Daily Service and Sunday Worship - radio programmes will be using some of the themes from #LiveLent as part of their broadcasts.
  • Prayer for the day - each day the Church of England publishes audio and text of the Prayer for the Day.
  • Smart speakers – daily prayer and #LiveLent audio content can be accessed via our smart speaker apps.

The Diocese of Bristol will also be releasing regular video messages from Bishop Viv as well as homilies to share every Sunday on our YouTube page.

First published 12th May 2020
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