From suicide to salvation, Steve and Sue's story

In local churches thoughout the Diocese of Bristol, people's lives are being changed by the power of God. Steve and Sue are two people who are in the midst of that change and shared their story with us.

Following bankruptcy, the loss of their business and house, Steve and Sue hit rock bottom.

No one would help and Steve gave up. On three occasions, Steve tried to commit suicide but, as he sat down to have a final pint prior to his third attempt, God intervened. He met Andy McNeil, the verger at Christ Church Downend who persuaded Steve against his attempt.

"From that day on, I've had the calling of God and I have never looked back."

Steve and Sue share how God has changed Steve's behaviour.

"I was a selfish, horrible, nasty person to be with. Since then, I have changed dramatically - I just love living the life I live," says Steve.

"I feel I have got back the man I married in 1969," says Sue. "He disappeared for a long time but now I have got him back. It is unbelievable how God has changed my husband."

That change has been brought about by God working through the local church in partnership with Christian debt counselling charity, Christians Against Poverty (CAP).

As Steve was facing despair, they were discovering a way out of their financial difficulties through hearing about CAP who had a centre in Staple Hill. That CAP centre was set up by Christ Church Downend, the church that Steve was to become a member of, and was part funded by the Diocese of Bristol's Growth Fund. Together, they have enabled Steve to grow on his faith journey and he was confirmed by Bishop Mike in June.

Sue has had a different journey to travel. She says she "has a little faith - and hopefully it will grow". That little faith has been implanted by her experiences with CAP and she thinks, when she is ready, she will go to church.

"CAP took a lot of weight from my shoulders - I felt I had to carry Steve and I hadn't had time to breathe because I was looking after Steve.

"With CAP, it was amazing: there was no judgement. They just took us on as we were and we haven't looked back since."

In the video, Sue also talks movingly about how on a retreat with CAP she came to a point of forgiveness towards her son who had himself committed suicide .Find out more about Christians Against Poverty

First published 28th February 2013
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