As part of our life stories series, we talked with with David Stevens about how his faith has enabled him to face death without fear following a diagnosis with cancer.
David, who is a member at Christ Church Downend, never thought that he would be able to face death with confidence.
"I never ever thought that I would be able to identify with what Paul writes in Ephesians, 'That it is better to go than it is stay'," recollects David. "But I have since I got cancer.
"Rather than being frightened and scared, there is something going on inside me that allows me the freedom and the joy of accepting that I will be spending my eternity in a new heaven, on a new earth with a loving Father.
"I have no fear, because I know that our Father in heaven is with me, Jesus is with me, the Spirit is with me."
Reflecting on this new confidence, he recognises that, in some senses, we are "immortal".
"That's quite something: immortal!" he concludes. "I never thought that I would ever accept that. But I do today."
Watch a previous video with David on the power of the Bible