In August 2016 The Home Office published their Action Against Hate: A Plan to tackle Hate Crime
In the days after the EU referendum, some European nationals were the targets of abuse, and representatives of other ethnic communities have reported anxiety about a climate of increased hostility towards people identified as foreigners. It is too early to be sure how widespread the problem is, but the trend is worrying.
Our response is the same as for any other such crime: it is utterly unacceptable that people should suffer abuse or attacks because of their nationality or ethnic background. We must stand together against hate crime and ensure that it is stamped out.
The first point of the 5 point action plan is:
Preventing hate crime by challenging the beliefs and attitudes that can underlie such crimes. We will work to give young people and teachers the tools to tackle hatred and prejudice
To this end we have written some materials that focus on a local Bristol Case Study of an incident that happened at Totterdown Mosque to explore the issues surrounding hate crime, challenging beliefs that might lead to hate crime and explores the consequences of committing such offences.
These materials can be downloaded here:
Distinctive Totterdown Mosque lesson materials
Locally Distinctive Religious Hate Crime in Bristol
Although they are centred around a Bristol case study these materials can be adapted for schools further afield.