As this years Thy Kingdom Come fast approaches, we are keen as many churches and individuals as possible involved.
For churches, please feel free to do one thing such as hosting a prayer event; and for individuals please do sign up to the Thy Kingdom Come website, #pledge2pray then spread the word amongst your contacts.
Also do feel free to post about Thy Kingdom Come on social media - and dont forget to tag @Thykingdom_come (Twitter); ThyKingdomComeUK (Facebook) and on Instagram @pledge2pray.
What does it mean when we pray Thy Kingdom Come?
Shane Claiborne - leading Christian activist and author who is a leading figure in the New Monasticism movement and one of the founding members of the intentional community, the Simple Way, in Philadelphia - has shared his thoughts on what it means when we pray Thy Kingdom Come?
This is the first in a series of videos, which also include Archbishop Justin Welby in conversation with other leading ecumenical leaders.
New resources available
A number of new resources have been added to the Thy Kingdom Come website, including the Prayer Journal, Morning and Evening Prayer booklet and the Novena. In early April, the Thy Kingdom Come app and new website will be launched.
Additional resources will be mailed out to churches in the Diocese in mid-April.