Encountering God through the Lens - an accompanied photographic pilgrimage to Uganda
25 January to 5 February 2018
Led by Walter Dirks and Chris Dobson, this trip is an opportunity to develop your photographic skills as part of a spiritual journey of discovery.
Each morning there will be a guided reflection to lead us into the day before we go out together to capture images of the life and worship of those we encounter. Throughout the trip we will have the chance to engage with the people, landscape and wildlife of Uganda offering a once off opportunity to feel the heartbeat of the beautiful land.
There will be one to one and group photographic tuition by Walter Dirks and Chris Dobson helping us to learn more about how our cameras work; working with light and composition; portraits and landscapes; street photography. The emphasis will also be on learning together as each person coming will have their own skills and experience to share. No previous level of ability is needed, just a desire to learn.
During the day there will be opportunities to develop your editing skills further with tuition in using Photoshop and how to edit RAW and Jpeg files.
In the evenings we will share the photos we have taken and have the opportunity for gentle learning and advice from Walter Dirks.
Special input will come from Sherry McKelvie, one of the best bird and wildlife photographers in East Africa and from Geoff Walker from New Zealand who is one of the prestigious Creative Ambassadors for Adobe and resident in Gulu, Northern Uganda.
After the pilgrimage we will be working with Erica Bebb from Christ Church, Clifton to put together a travelling exhibition showcasing what we discover and record as part of our celebration of the 50th anniversary of the partnership.
The cost will be approximately 1,300 per person plus flights booked independently please note this is not a package tour so we will each be responsible for our own insurance, etc. and we will simply facilitate the bookings on your behalf. If you book flights through Key Travel we can arrange for you to have charity rates as part of the Diocese of Bristol which gives flexibility over travel arrangements in case plans have to change.
For more information please contact Chris Dobson either by email (cd@bristoldiocese.org) or using the contact form at the bottom of this page.