Connected: 'A sense of purpose and excitement'

Revd Sally Wheeler, area dean for Chippenham and Priest in Charge of Marshfield Benefice, gives her thoughts on the Connected day conference:

I found the Diocesan Connected Day a real blessing - from the big picture of the vision and priorities we are all called to, to the smallest details of high quality organisation we experienced on the day. I came away with a sense of purpose and excitement as we enter this next season in our Diocese.

The message from Bishop Tomlin struck a chord when he challenged us to look for signs of God's Kingdom in our contexts, to identify the idols of today and to be intentional about enabling new signs to flourish through prayer and focussed energy.

The reflections on the Welsh Revival, as a backdrop to the call to love God with all our heart, strength, soul, and mind was inspiring, and reminded me of the need for ever deeper personal holiness and discipleship.

Throughout the day, videos and stories of parishes getting on with being connected to their communities meant that we were grounded in the reality of what it might look like where we live to break new ground, often in very simple ways.

Being encouraged and inspired with Colleagues from across the Diocese made for a special day indeed. Thank you to those who organised it!

First published 12th May 2016
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