Come and hear Revd Prabhudas from Mission India

Revd Prabhudas from Mission India will be in the UK in July and his visit will include a number of public events in North Wiltshire.

Revd Prabhudas is Regional Director with Mission India's Hyderabad office. He oversees the ministry work in the north, central, and south regions of India. Prabhu first connected with Mission India through the Children's bible club programme, and has held various leadership roles since joining its staff in 1999.

Come and listen to Revd Prabhudas speak about Mission Indias childrens Bible clubs, church planter training and adult literacy amongst the poorest of the poor throughout India.

Saturday 4 July at 10am

Men's Group Breakfast meeting

Wetherspoons, The Bridge House, Borough Parade SN15 3WL

Saturday 4 July from 6.30-9pm

Q&A session on Persecuted Church

St Pauls Church Hall, Malmesbury Road, Chippenham SN15 1PS

Sunday 5 July at 10.30am

Morning Worship

Emmanuel Evangelical Church, Goldney Avenue, Chippenham SN15 1ND

Also listen in to Revd Prabhudas on Premier Radio live on Friday 10 July from 10.30am to 12pm.


To find out more about Mission India visit and for more information on Revd Prabhudas visit email: or call 01435 811 801.

Stephen Cozens from Wiltshire visited India in 2014 and saw for himself the work on the ground being led by Mission India.

Stephen writes:

"Despite the reality of daily persecution, the Christian Gospel is spreading across India. Signs and wonders of Christ in and through the lives of men and women and children are now common place.

"My name is Stephen Cozens, 57 years old, father of three and a grandfather too. During 2014 I became interested in Mission India through a friendship with Pradip (an evangelist) and his family who live in my home town in Wiltshire. God nudged me to accept an invitation to travel with Pradip to India in December 2014.

"Nothing prepared me for the absolute poverty and overwhelming generosity of those I lived with for a short time as I crossed India.

"The people I was encouraged to meet were all of the lower casts slum or village dwellers or in the Nilgiris Hills mountain peoples who are discouraged from communicating with foreigners, against their own will.

"The various field workers who took me to these places risk their lives every day to share the words of our living loving God.

"The results of selecting and training local men and women as evangelists are simply inspiring. In 2013 Mission India records almost 8,000 new worship centres established and more through 3,000 church plants, as well as 3,300 childrens Bible clubs and 1,500 adult literacy classes.

"Let us pray for more signs and wonders across India; blessings upon those who meet the living God in Jesus and the joy of dreams and visions of Jesus upon those who seek to persecute His church."

First published 10th June 2015
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