Christian Aid supporters and church members will be among those heading to London in support of the Enough Food For Everyone IF campaign which is calling on the G8 leaders meeting in the UK June 17-18 to take decisive action to end hunger. Among those taking part will be mother and daughter Kathryn and Grace Bartlett (15) along with other churchgoers from St Marys Church, Purton.
The Big If event coincides with David Cameron hosting an international Hunger Summit in the capital and will include an ecumenical service at Westminster Central Hall, a walk of witness and a massive Hyde Park rally which is expected to attract tens of thousands of people.
huge visual petition of two million petals will be created in the park to represent the two million children who die needlessly of hunger every year.
Kathryn says: It is a scandal that parents still have to watch their children die of malnutrition and that one in eight people go to bed hungry when there is enough food in this world to feed everyone. We feel that as Christians and fellow human beings it is our duty to speak out for those who have no voice."
Grace adds: This is my first rally but its something that we as a family and a church feel very strongly about. Hunger can be stopped and this is the moment for the people in power to listen to us. I would love it if more people from Wiltshire joined us and together we showed that enough is enough.