Coordinated by the Bishop of Bristols Office
As faith leaders in the city of Bristol, we are proud of this beautiful, diverse and creative city.
In these last days before the General Election, we are grateful for those who have put themselves forward to represent us in Westminster.
We encourage those who stand for office, and all who live here, to work for a just society, to put the needs of vulnerable people first, to create opportunities for all, and to combat climate change.
At a critical moment in our countrys history, this is not a time for apathy or cynicism. Rather, it is a time to rebuild trust in our institutions and each other, and to restore hope.
We are aware of those who, because of their race or faith, are fearful. In this election campaign and beyond, it is essential that we do all we can to tackle hate crime and ensure the flourishing of all people.
We commit ourselves, and encourage others to do the same, to speak truth, reject prejudice, and where we disagree, disagree in a way which is genuinely respectful of others.
In peace, friendship and unity,
The Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol
The Rt Revd Declan Lang, Bishop of Clifton
Mohammad El Sharif, Muslim representative
Valerie Russell Emmott, member, Bristol and West Progressive Jewish Congregation
Zaheer Shabir, Muslim representative
Sister Jinho Shi, Buddhist Chaplain, University of Bristol
Javinder Singh, Chaplain and Multi Faith Coordinator, City of Bristol College
Pandit Kamlesh Vyas, Bristol Hindu Temple