Four Cursillistas from Bristol Anglican Cursillo attended the annual National Ultreya in Chelmsford during September. Angela Smith, Lay Director, reflects on the gathering:
On Saturday 1 September, four Cursillistas from Bristol Anglican Cursillo were in Chelmsford to attend the annual National Ultreya. This is where Cursillistas from throughout the country meet together to share God's grace, worship together and encourage and support each other. This year there were over 200 Cursillistas from at least 25 diocese at the event. To be part of the joyous walk of witness through Chelmsford to the Cathedral prior to the Eucharist service in the afternoon was very uplifting.
On arrival at the Cathedral in the morning there was time to greet and network with friends from around the country before the worship started.The congregation was inspired by a witness talk from a Chelmsford Cursillista illustrating that God never leave us and upholds us in difficult times.
We had time to break into small groups to share when we have been close to Christ while in prayer, studying or taking action as part of our Christian witness.It was encouraging to hear how God was working through other peoples lives and to share when we had been close to Christ ourselves.
The whole event was organised by Chelmsford Cursillo and ably and enthusiastically led by Lexie, a bubbly 26 year old curate, while the closing Eucharist, which was equally uplifting, was led by Bishop Peter of Barking.During his talk he mentioned that as we approach the altar, we walk with Christ in the way of the cross - and return in the joy of his resurrection, having received the spiritual food of his body and blood, which sustains us to eternal life.On hearing this I remembered being at a Communion Service at one of our local churches.The children skipped back to their seats from the alter rail.I remember thinking at the time why do we adults not express our feelings like that?
At the end of the celebrations we returned to our diocese full of new ideas, fresh in our dedication to and love for the Lord, and the renewed desire to share God's love with all.
To find out more about Cursillo in the Bristol Diocese please contact Angela Smith, Lay Director at laydirector@bristolcursillo.co.uk or telephone 01666 837478.